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300 series wide belt sander is available in the versions from 1 to 4 working units. There are spiral planer head, contact drum, pad unit, combined head and polishing units and various options for versatile application, from surface calibration to final polish for solid wood, veneered or lacquer sanding.
Working Width :
610mm / 910mm / 1300mm / 1600mm

Steel body for heavy planning.
Low-noise, fast and efficient stock removal.
With throw-away carbide knives.
Anti-kickback fingers for safety operation.
Front independent segment pressure shoes for workpiece guidance.
/Adjustable Spiral Cutterhead

Contact roller with steel or rubber coating in various shore hardness, depending on the sanding job to be performed.
Hard rubber coating for precise thickness controlling. Soft rubber coating for veneer and lacquer sanding.
The contact rollers are adjustable for various abrasive applications.
/Contact Roller for Calibrating

The finish sanding with sanding pad produces high quality surfaces. It can be used in two operating modes:
Rigid pad (standard)
Air pad (option) with air filled into pad assembly for increasing finishing effect by the optimum sanding pressure adjusted.
The sanding pad is height adjustable.
/Pad for Finish Sanding

This incorporates a combination contact roller and finishing pad with one sanding belt and allows the combined or independent use of both units. Rigid pad (standard)/ Air cushion pad (option)
Contact roller and finishing pad are height adjustable.
/Combination Head

This unit is very suitable for a high level of the sanding finish on panels, are positioned inside the machine frame each in place of a working unit. Oscillation functioning is standard to efficiently complete polishing / cleaning and to increase operational life.
Type of operational material available:
Nylon filaments
Abrasive blade
Other required
/Polishing unit

ADDRESS / No.20, Ln. 1097, Fengzhou Rd., Shengang Dist., Taichung City 429, Taiwan
TEL / +886-4-25612920
FAX / +886-4-25612918
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